DevExpress.Xpf.DocumentViewer.v21.2.Core Provides the basic functionality to publish documents in XPF (WPF and Silverlight) applications. Enumerates values that specify the type of a viewer control’s toolbar. A viewer control has a standard Bars toolbar. A viewer control has no toolbar. A viewer control has a Ribbon toolbar. The base class for classes that provide commands corresponding to end-user actions in viewer controls. Initializes a new instance of the class with default settings. Provides access to the collection of actions when using a standard toolbar. The collection of actions. Returns a command that rotates pages of a displayed document by 90 degrees clockwise. An object implementing the interface, that defines the command. Returns a command that closes the currently opened document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that rotates pages of a displayed document by 90 degrees counterclockwise. An object implementing the interface, that defines the command. Returns a command that finds the next occurrence of a search text string. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that finds the previous occurrence of a search text string. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to a specified target location within a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to the next page of a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to the next view in a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that opens a document from a specified file in the viewer. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that sets the number of a currently displayed page. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to the previous page of a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to the previous view in a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Provides access to the collection of actions when using a ribbon toolbar. A collection of actions. Returns a command that scrolls a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that shows or hides the Search panel. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that changes the zoom factor of the currently displayed document to a specified value. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that zooms a displayed document in. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that zooms a displayed document out. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Contains default item captions displayed in the interface elements of document viewers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns “bMain”. Returns “bClockwiseRotate”. Corresponds to the Clockwise rotate command in the document’s context menu. Returns “bClose”. Corresponds to the Close toolbar button. Returns “bCounterClockwiseRotate”. Returns “rcMain”. Returns “bDocumentMapCollapseTopLevelNode”. Returns “bDocumentMapExpandCurrentNode”. Returns “bDocumentMapExpandCurrentNodeButton”. Returns “bDocumentMapExpandTopLevelNode”. Returns “bDocumentMapGoToBookmark”. Returns “bDocumentMapHideAfterUseNode”. Returns “bDocumentMapOptions”. Returns “rgFile”. Returns “rgFind”. Returns “rpMain”. Returns “rgNavigation”. Returns “bNextPage”. Corresponds to the Next Page toolbar button that switches to the next document page. Returns “bNextView”. Corresponds to the Next view command in the document’s context menu. Returns “bOpen”. Corresponds to the Open toolbar button that invokes the Open dialog allowing you to select a document to be loaded. Returns “bPagination”. Returns “bPreviousPage”. Corresponds to the Previous Page toolbar button that switches to the previous document page. Returns “bPreviousView”. Corresponds to the Previous view command in the document’s context menu. Returns “bRibbon”. Returns “rgRotate”. Returns “bSearch”. Corresponds to the Search toolbar button that invokes the search panel allowing you to find a specified text throughout a document. Returns “bCheckCaseSensitive”. Corresponds to the Case Sensitive option in the search panel that specifies whether to use case-sensitive search. Returns “bCheckWholeWord”. Corresponds to the Whole Words Only option in the search panel that specifies whether to match the whole word during the search. Returns “bSearchClose”. Corresponds to the Close button in the search panel. Returns “bSearchNext”. Corresponds to the Next button in the search panel that starts searching or searches down again. Returns “bSearchPrev”. Corresponds to the Previous button in the search panel that searches backwards. Returns “bSearchSettings”. Corresponds to the Settings button in the search panel that provides a submenu with search options. Returns “bZoom”. Corresponds to the Zoom toolbar button that zooms a document to a specific zoom factor. Returns “bZoomIn”. Corresponds to the Zoom In toolbar button that increases a document’s current zoom factor. Returns “bZoomOut”. Corresponds to the Zoom Out toolbar button that decreases a document’s current zoom factor. Returns “rgZoom”. Provides access to document map commands. Initializes a new instance of a class. Identifies whether it is possible to execute the command. Identifies whether it is possible to execute the command. Returns a command that collapses top-level nodes of the Document Map. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Executes the command. Returns a command that expands the currently selected node of the Document Map. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that expands top-level nodes of the Document Map. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to a document element corresponding to the selected Document Map’s node. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Represents the Document Map Control. Initializes a new instance of a class with the default settings. Provides access to the actual Document Map settings. An object that specifies the actual Document Map settings. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Gets an actual collection of the ‘s items. This is a dependency property. A source of objects represented as items in the Document Map. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Document Map should be hidden after using it for navigation purposes. true, to hide the Document Map after using it for navigation purposes; otherwise, false. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Gets the Document Map’s currently highlighted item. This is a dependency property. An object that specifies the currently highlighted item. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Called after the template is completely generated and attached to the visual tree. Provides access to Document Map settings. An object that specifies Document Map settings. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Gets or sets a style applied to the Document Map’s tree view. This is a dependency property. A Style object providing corresponding style settings. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether long lines should be wrapped in the Document Map. This is a dependency property. true, to wrap long lines; otherwise, false. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Provides access to document map settings. Initializes a new instance of a class with the default settings. Gets the actual value of the Document Map visibility after using it for navigation purposes. true, if the Document Map is hidden after using it; otherwise, false. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that navigates to a document element corresponding to the selected bookmark. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Document Map should be hidden after using it for navigation purposes. This is a dependency property. true, to hide the Document Map after using it for navigation purposes; otherwise, false. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Fires after any modifications in the Document Map are made by changing Document Map settings. Gets a collection of the Document Map’s items. This is a dependency property. A source of objects represented as items in the Document Map. Updates the properties of the Document Map. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether long lines should be wrapped in the Document Map. This is a dependency property. A <,> object that specifies whether to wrap long lines in the Document Map. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Provides base functionality for document viewers under the WPF platform. Initializes a new instance of the class with default settings. Specifies a data template used to display an actual Bars toolbar of a document viewer. This is a dependency property. A object that defines the visual representation of the document viewer’s bars toolbar. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies an actual behavior provider of the document viewer. This is a dependency property. A DevExpress.Xpf.DocumentViewer.BehaviorProvider object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies an actual command provider of the document viewer. This is a dependency property. A object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Provides access to the actual settings of the document map, which reflects the document structure in a tree-like form. An object that specifies document map settings. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Specifies a data template used to display a Bars toolbar of a document viewer. This is a dependency property. A object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies a document viewer’s behavior provider. This is a dependency property. A DevExpress.Xpf.DocumentViewer.BehaviorProvider object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that rotates pages of a displayed document by 90 degrees clockwise. An object implementing the interface, that defines the command. Returns a command that closes the currently opened document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Specifies the type of a Document Viewer toolbar. This is a dependency property. A enumeration value. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies a Document Viewer’s command provider. This is a dependency property. A object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that rotates pages of a displayed document by 90 degrees counterclockwise. An object implementing the interface, that defines the command. Specifies the number of the currently displayed page. This is a dependency property. An integer value specifying a page number. Occurs after the currently displayed document page has been changed. Identifies the routed event. A routed event identifier. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns the current document. This is a dependency property. An object specifying the current document. Occurs after the displayed document has been changed. Identifies the routed event. A routed event identifier. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies the document source. This is a dependency property. A value, specifying the document source. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that searches for text within a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Gets the value of the attached property from a given object. An object whose property value should be returned. A document viewer object associated with the specified object. Gets the value of the attached property from a given object. An object whose property’s value is to be returned. A string value that specifies the value of the attached property for the specified object. Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between document pages in multi-column layout. A value that specifies the horizontal spacing between document pages. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Indicates whether a document viewer’s Search panel is currently visible. This is a dependency property. true, if the Search panel is visible; otherwise, false. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that navigates to a specified target location within a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to the next page of a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to the next view in a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Loads the document from the specified file and opens it in the viewer. A specifying the full path to a document file. Returns a command that opens a document from a specified file in the viewer. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Specifies a data template used to display the Open dialog. This is a dependency property. A object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Gets the total number of pages within a displayed document. An integer value specifying the number of document pages. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies the rotation of the displayed document’s pages. This is a dependency property. A enumeration value. Occurs after the page rotation been changed. Identifies the routed event. A routed event identifier. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. For internal use. A object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that navigates to the previous page of a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that navigates to the previous view in a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Specifies a document viewer’s property provider. This is a dependency property. A DevExpress.Xpf.DocumentViewer.PropertyProvider object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies whether to reset document display settings after the current document is closed. This is a dependency property. true (the default value), to reset document display setting after the current document is closed; otherwise, false. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Specifies a data template used to display a Ribbon toolbar of a document viewer. This is a dependency property. A object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that scrolls a displayed document. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Scrolls a displayed document horizontally to the specified offset. A Double value specifying the horizontal scrolling offset. Scrolls a displayed document vertically to the specified offset. A Double value specifying the vertical scrolling offset. Sets the value of the attached property for a given object. An object for which the attached property is set. A document viewer object to set for the specified object. Sets the value of the attached property for a given object. An object for which the attached property is set. A string value that specifies the value to be assigned to the property. Returns a command that sets the number of a currently displayed page. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that changes a zoom factor of a displayed document to a specified value. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that changes the current document zoom mode. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Returns a command that shows the Search panel. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Provides access to an object that manages the undo and redo operations in the document viewer. This is a dependency property. A DevExpress.Xpf.DocumentViewer.UndoRedoManager object. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Occurs after the current zoom factor has been changed. Identifies the routed event. A routed event identifier. Specifies the current document zoom factor. This is a dependency property. A value that specifies the document zoom factor. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that zooms a displayed document out. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Specifies the current document zoom mode. This is a dependency property. A enumeration value. Identifies the dependency property. A dependency property identifier. Returns a command that zooms a displayed document out. An object implementing the interface that defines the command. Provides information about a document’s build status and enables you to access its collection of pages. Indicates whether all document pages have already been loaded in a Document Preview. true, if the entire document has been loaded; otherwise, false. Provides access to the collection of document pages. A collection of objects implementing the interface. Provides access to a document’s page settings. Indicates whether the current page is still being loaded in a Document Preview. true, if the page loading is in progress; otherwise, false. Provides access to the page margin settings. A structure Indicates the current page’s index. A zero-based value, specifying the page index. Indicates the page size. A structure. For internal use. A structure Enumerates values that specify the page display mode in the document preview. Document pages are displayed in multiple columns, the number of which is specified by the property. Document pages are displayed in one column. Document pages are automatically displayed in columns and wrapped if there is insufficient space to display a specific page. Specifies the type of scrolling performed by the . Scroll to the end of a displayed document. Scroll to the beginning of a displayed document. Scroll a displayed document one line down. Scroll a displayed document one line left. Scroll a displayed document one line right. Scroll a displayed document one line up. Scroll a displayed document one page down. Scroll a displayed document one page up. Enumerates values that specify the search direction. Search will be done backwards. Search will be done forwards. Provides settings for text search. Initializes a new instance of the class with default settings. Specifies a document page where your search starts. An integer value that specifies a page number. Specifies whether text search is case-sensitive. true, if text search is case-sensitive; otherwise, false. Specifies the search direction. One of the values that specifies the search direction. Specifies the text to find. A value. Specifies whether to locate only whole words matching the search criteria. true, to locate only whole words matching the search criteria; otherwise, false. Lists the document zoom modes provided by and . Sets the document zoom factor value to 100%. The document zoom factor is defined by the property value. The document zoom factor is calculated to fit to the width of the visible content of a page. The region of the visible page content is defined by the bleed box (see section 14.11.2 of the PDF 32000-1:2008 standard). If the bleed box is smaller than the crop box, the FitToWidth and FitToVisible modes provide different results. Sets the document zoom factor value to fit to the width of the widest page in a document. If the bleed box is smaller than the crop box, the FitToWidth provides different result from the FitToVisible mode. Sets the document zoom factor value to fit to the widest or highest page in a document.